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Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Delhi

There are thousands and probably millions of people across the world who struggle with thin and sparse eyebrows. In general, people don’t pay attention to it, some individuals resort to eyebrow hair transplantation to ensure healthier and fuller eyebrows. Unlike the traditional makeup tricks filling in the eyebrows with products, some people want a more permanent result.

Eyebrows are an imperative part of a person’s face and facial expressions. Are you looking for treatment for making your eyebrows thicker or seeking restoration treatment for lost eyebrows; then eyebrow transplant procedure is a perfect solution for you.

Eyebrow transplant is a surgical technique wherein hair follicles from the back of the scalp are collected and replanted into the eyebrow area. The technique involves meticulously transplanting a single hair follicle to create natural-looking eyebrows.

The procedure is done by a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon specialised in hair transplant and therapeutic procedures. Undergoing an Eyebrow Hair Transplant involves the transplantation of hair from the donor sites on your body.

When do we need Eyebrow Hair Transplant?

There is no standard time frame when you need to undergo the hair transplant procedure. Generally, people with sparse, extremely thin, and non-existent eyebrows are the ones who opt for this treatment.

You might also want to consider eyebrow hair transplant if:

  • You have experienced extreme hair loss from the eyebrows due to over-plucking or injuries
  • You struggle with chronic conditions like hypothyroidism that results in hair loss and hair thinning

Who needs eyebrow transplant surgery?

Loss of eyebrows or very thin eyebrows can occur for several reasons, and is most commonly associated with:

  • Hereditary factors or genetics
  • Over-plucking,
  • Scarring
  • The side effect of any disease (thyroid disorder)
  • Other dermatological diseases (Alopecia Areata)
  • Any medical or surgical treatments
  • A person who has sparse or thinning eyebrows can opt for transplant surgery to achieve a permanent and natural result.

How many grafts are needed?

The number of grafts required largely depends upon the patient’s expectation of density and share. During your consultation, you can discuss your expectations from surgery. On average for restoring and reshaping procedure 50-300 grafts are required per eyebrow.

Procedure of Eyebrow Hair Transplant

Much like the traditional hair transplant procedures like the FUE or FUT hair transplant, even eyebrow hair transplant follows the same steps. The eyebrow hair restoration can either involve FUE or FUT treatment, depending on the safest option decided by the doctor for the patient.

As for the procedure, it involves the following steps:

  • You need to start by booking a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon specialised in hair transplant procedures.
  • During the first consultation, the doctor assesses your eyebrow hair growth and suggests the best treatment option, depending on your expectations.
  • For the eyebrow hair transplant, the surgeon generally extracts the hair follicles from the hairs above the ears
  • Around 100-350 hair grafts are extracted from the donor site for filling up each eyebrow and can take a few hours for the successful completion of the surgery
  • The area of the eyebrow is treated with a numbing gel to prevent pain and discomfort during the treatment
  • Once the hairs from the donor site are extracted, they are processed into separate grafts including one or two hair grafts for a fuller and natural look
  • Once the eyebrows are numb, the surgeon makes individual recipient sites where the extracted grafts are implanted one by one.

The surgery takes around 2 -4 hours and it is performed under anaesthesia. If required light sedation may also be given to ensure you are comfortable during the procedure.

During surgery, the surgeon will carefully harvest grafts from the donor part of the body (typically back of the head) by using either the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. Next, these grafts are implanted precisely giving you natural-looking eyebrows. Acceptance of the grafted hair is high.

The entire process is painless and you can return to your routine work in 24 hours.

FUE is the most preferred method due to minimal scarring and faster recovery benefits. The surgery offers a successful and permanent solution and ensures the most natural outcome.

Where Does the Donor Hairs Come From for Eyebrow Hair Transplant?

The Eyebrow Hair Transplant involves the extraction of hair follicles from the back of the scalp or the hairs above the ears. Although, these are subjective to the availability of hairs on the scalp of the patient.

What to expect after Eyebrow Hair Transplant?

Much like a standard hair transplantation procedure, even an eyebrow hair transplant has similar results and recovery timeline. The patient needs to be extremely careful with the after-care and the recovery period.

You can expect redness and crusted skin around the donor and recipient site a day or two after the surgery, which gradually falls off within a week. If possible, avoid exposing your eyebrows to direct sunlight for the first month after the surgery.

Also, you might experience the following side effects and complications:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Numbness and tingling sensation
  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Redness and crusted skin

These complications are temporary and can be treated by the surgeon with prescribed medications or topical ointments.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant Aftercare

After Eyebrow Hair Transplant, the recovery process involves witnessing some bruising and swelling that needs extra care. Aside from that, the aftercare involves a few highlights that you need to take care of:

  • Avoid wetting your eyebrows for a few days after the surgery to allow them to align in the proper orientation for healthier growth
  • The transplanted hair on the eyebrows generally falls off after 3-4 weeks after the surgery
  • From there, the regrowth of the eyebrows tends to take 4-6 months but it might take up to a year as well.
  • Compared to the traditional hair transplant, the transplanted hair in the eyebrows generally grow a lot faster, so the patients might have to trim and shape them frequently.

Why Choose Dermalife for eyebrow hair transplant in Delhi

Dermalife has strived to provide its patients with accessible and cost-effective treatments for years. If you are looking for the best eyebrow hair transplant in Delhi, Dermalife is the cosmetic surgery clinic that can be considered. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Our team of dermatologists is led by Dr. Gaurav Garg, who is an internationally recognized surgeon with years of professional experience
  • Our clinic is equipped with the state-of-the-art technology with imported medical equipment from countries like the U.S, Germany, and U.K
  • All of our services are backed with cost-effective treatment packages, so it is accessible for everyone considering undergoing an eyebrow transplant or any other cosmetic procedure
  • We follow the Boosted FUE technique for eyebrow transplant that ensures high-density regrowth of the hair after the transplant
  • Our updated and special treatment approaches ensure a higher success rate and enhanced satisfaction of the patients

Cost of Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Delhi at Dermalife

The eyebrow hair transplant cost in Delhi generally starts from INR 30 per graft. It can be more, depending on the extent of the treatment and the type of hair transplant procedure done at the clinic. This is a base treatment rate for individual hair follicles that you can expect at Dermalife and other clinics across Delhi.

Generally, a patient will need a maximum of 1000 hair grafts for filling in both the eyebrows, so the costs for the treatment can start from INR 30,000 and the rest depend on the patient’s requirements.