Check out below the measures that are to be taken before and after a hair transplant.
How to cover head after hair transplant?
After a hair transplant, your head will feel bondage. For avoiding risks of infection and follicle damage, using any sort of headwear or covering the transplanted hair for a number of days is not recommended. You may begin covering the head 7 days post-treatment if the doctor doesn’t suggest otherwise.

When can I use normal shampoo after a hair transplant?
No specific shampoo is created for use after getting a hair transplant. But specialists advise using baby shampoo for the initial 7-10 days. After 14 days, you may use your normal shampoo to wash the hair. You might then undergo the shedding of grafts as a usual post-treatment experience.
How long should I spray saline after a hair transplant?
Right at discharge, you will be handed with a wound care kit containing a spray bottle having sterile saline solution among other necessary things. You must use it regularly for the next 3 days post-surgery. Wet 2-3 pieces of the given gauze in the solution. Then gently apply these on the treated site for 30-60 minutes twice every day. It’ll keep the site moist and quicken the recovery.
What should I do before a hair transplant?
A week before getting a hair transplant, stop having the medications below since these might increase bleeding during treatment. You can resume these 2 days post-procedure.
- Aspirin
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Vitamins B or E
- Blood thinners
- Ibuprofen
- Herbal medications
Don’t smoke at least 1-week post-treatment. Smoking can constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to your scalp, mainly because of its nicotine content. Smoke contains carbon monoxide that reduces the blood’s capacity to carry blood. These factors may lead to poor healing post-treatment.
Inform your doctor of any medication that you’re already having or any already-existing health problems which might affect the procedure such as psoriasis, diabetes, breathing troubles, high blood pressure, asthma, sleep disorders, bleeding problems, allergies, a history of keloids or other chronic disorders.
Consult your doctor before taking any prescribed medicines 1-day pre-transplant. If you were taking Propecia or finasteride, you might keep up with your usual dosage. You must stop Rogaine or Minoxidil 1 day pre-procedure and resume after 14 days.
You need not shave your hair before coming for the hair transplant. The doctor would shave the hair of FUE patients on the morning of the transplant. If you’re having FUE or FUSS, it’s best if you don’t cut the hair for at least 2 weeks pre-transplant so that the sews on the donor site can be properly hidden.
On the morning of the treatment, you should:
- Shower and wash the hair very thoroughly with your regular shampoo. Don’t apply any gel, spray, or other styling product. If you use any wig, hair extension, or other product, take it out before shampooing and wear it again only post-treatment.
- Wear a shirt open at its front having a zip or buttons and comfy loose trousers. It’s essential not to wear clothes which you’ve to pull on over the head. It will prevent the grafts from getting dislodging post-surgery.
- Have plenty of water with breakfast that morning.
For preventing infections and ensuring a problem-free treatment, you must ask your doctor about safety precautions or check for the following signs in his office:
- The procedure room must be sanitized and clean. Also, all the equipment like the surgery chair or light handles must be covered with safety covers.
- Surgical apparatus must be covered and sterilized pre-procedure.
- The doctor and his team must wear safety gear including protective gloves, shoe covers, body gown, face mask, eyewear, and safety cap.
- During treatment, you must not wear street clothes but disposable clothes (that are discarded later) given by the office.
- Afterward, you must get a light dressing for promoting healing and keeping the treated site protected and clean.
How many days to rest after hair transplant?
After a hair transplant, the surgeon would recommend you to wear bandages on the scalp for at least 1-2 days. He might even prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug or an antibiotic to use for a couple of days. People are usually able to resume work 2-5 days post-surgery. Within 2-3 weeks post-treatment, the transplanted hairs shed and new growth begins within a few (6-9) months.
How to sleep after hair transplant?
The manner of how you sleep after hair transplant might impact the ultimate result of the overall treatment. It’s a must that for the initial 5-7 nights, you rest the head at a 45-degree angle. Use your neck-pillow since if you sleep flatly it might damage the transplanted hair and cause swelling. Besides, you should find a more comfortable