“Leave the responsibility of the ever-so-embarrassing issue of balding to us!”
The thinning or loss of hair has always been considered the natural result of aging. However, due to various external causes, an individual can experience hair loss at an early age. It can be caused by following an insalubrious lifestyle, smoking or drinking extensively, and as a side effect of specific medications.
Nonetheless, in today’s world, the issue of hair loss is not regarded as a matter of concern anymore. If you are suffering from the aforementioned problem, then you may opt for a hair transplant procedure. It is quite efficient and tends to be less costly as well.
Nonetheless, before you undergo the same, you will need to learn if you are a perfect hair transplant candidate. Otherwise, the treatment may cause adverse effects on you. Hopefully, this write-up will help you to learn everything about the aforesaid aspect.
So, let’s get started!
Table of Contents
Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:
- What is a Hair Transplant?
- How Do You Know If You Are a Good Candidate for Hair Transplant?
- Benefits of Hair Transplant
- Hair Transplant in Delhi
What is a Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant, in essence, is a mildly invasive procedure, which entails a surgeon moving hair roots on the bald area. The hair is usually taken from the sides of the back section of the patient’s head.
However, if these locations do not have enough hair, then beard hair can also be considered an ideal option. The same decision can sometimes depend on the hair transplant candidate’s eligibility as well.
A hair transplant procedure can be performed in four different manners. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. However, no matter what the procedure is, an individual has to pass the eligibility test to be a good candidate for a hair transplant beforehand.
- FUE (Follicular Unit Excision): In this procedure, the doctor will take out hair grafts (from the sides or the back) without cutting the skin with a knife and transplant your hair roots in groups over the bald area. In turn, it can mimic the natural growth of human hair and offer a more ideal appearance. For more information on FUE, read our following blogs…
- BOOSTED – FUE: This method has been developed by Dr. Gaurav Garg and This is an advanced version of FUE. This method ensures no root damage and proper natural results. For more information about BOOSTED FUE please read our following blog…
- FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation): During a FUT surgery, the surgeon tends to extract a long strip of hair from the donor area. After that, he/she will implant the same on the bald section. However, it has a high risk of damaging the hair strip and may cause scarring on the donor area.
- Scalp Reduction: Known as a rare option, the scalp reduction technique generally involves surgical removal of the scalp. After that, the hair-bearing scalp is stretched to replace the abolished section.
Amongst the aforementioned options, the BOOSTED FUE method gives the best results. the FUT and the FUE transplant procedures are obsolete now.
Truly speaking, the BOOSTED FUE procedure tends to be much less invasive and less extensive than FUE and FUT. Therefore, it usually does not require too much downtime, especially if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant. Additionally, it will not cause any scarring on your head or the donor area as well. The FUT procedure can also increase the risk of damaging the hair grafts. However, the same issue does not happen while performing BOOSTED FUE.
How Do You Know If You Are a Good Candidate for Hair Transplant?
The overall success rate of hair transplantation in India tends to be around 98%. However, the percentage generally depends on several factors as well as the overall health of the patient. Here are a few things that are required to be the best candidates for hair transplant –
- Age: Usually a hair transplant procedure works more proficiently on younger people due to the healthy and more vascular scalp skin.
If you are currently aged around 40 or less and have an otherwise healthy body, then your chance of success will increase massively.
- Gender: Usually, gender does not matter when it comes to having the best result regarding the hair transplant procedure.
However, in some cases, it has been seen that the success rate tends to be a bit higher for men than women. But, there is no utmost confirmation available regarding the same.
If you take care of yourself in the proper manner during the recovery period, your hair may grow quicker than your male counterpart.
- Overall Health: The overall health of the patient generally affects the nature of a hair transplant treatment pretty effectively. For example, if you are suffering from liver disease, then the recovery period for the procedure will increase massively.
Besides, the issue of hypertension, if not controlled, can further damage your hair and nullify the effect of the treatment.
Additionally, if you are taking blood thinners, then it may cause adverse effects on you during and after the completion of the treatment.
- Type of Hair Loss: The type of hair loss usually does not affect the outcome of the transplant, but can potentially change the course of treatment. For example, if you have a high hair density, then the hair restoration procedure will be easier for you.
People with mildly low-moderate density can also be considered ideal hair transplant candidates. However, in rare cases (if the available follicles are not healthy), the doctor may need to use external donor follicles for the hair transplant procedure.
- Scalp Laxity: Also known as scalp flexibility, the aspect of scalp laxity is also considered to be crucial while determining the suitability of the patient.
For instance, if you have a tighter scalp, then it will be difficult for the doctor to remove the hair follicles. Transplanting them on the bald area would be pretty challenging as well.
Conversely, a higher laxity of the scalp will make it easier for the doctor to perform the transplant quickly and efficiently.
- The Volume of Follicles: Besides the transplantation area, the donor section of your head is considered to be pretty crucial as well.
If the aforesaid place does not have enough hair follicles, then the doctor might have to choose another location.
It may change the overall course of the procedure and alter the outcome as well. However, if you do not want to get a relatively bad outcome, you will have to choose the already-donated hair follicles for your treatment.
- Type of Hair: There are usually two different types of hair that (wavy or curly and straight) can be seen among most individuals.
Now, in the case of a curly-haired person, the doctor will need only a small amount of follicular units. This way, the grown hair would not appear to be too dense in the future.
However, the graft can be done as required for a straight-haired person. There is no consequential limitation available regarding this aspect.
- Hair Color: The color of your hair can potentially make or break your status as a good candidate for a hair transplant.
But, how does it do so?
It is because the contrast between your scalp and hair color can become too intense if the procedure is not done properly.
The people who have similar hair color and scalp tone (such as dark) look less bald than the others. Therefore, they are typically considered to be the best people for the procedure.
- Realistic Expectations: Like any other treatment, you will need to have realistic expectations regarding the procedure. It is possible that you don’t look like the perfect person right after undergoing the surgery.
So, you will have to be patient and wait for your hair to become noticeable. After a month or so, you will also need to start taking care of your hair.
Otherwise, it may fall before growing properly. Also, you may experience hair fall during the first three months following the transplantation.
However, there is no need to be concerned about it. This issue is pretty common with almost every procedure and will go away on its own soon.
- Cost: The expense of the treatment also affects the mindset of a patient before undergoing the same,
For example, the FUE hair transplant procedure is considered to be the best option for everyone out there. However, many people tend to ignore the same due to its cost.
The average expense for undergoing an FUE hair transplant procedure can revolve around INR 35,000 to INR 70,000 (per 1000 grafts). However, the number of grafts can, sometimes, depend on the level of baldness. For instance, an individual, with level 2 baldness, will require around 1200-1800 grafts, which may cost around INR 42,000 to 72,000. Conversely, to cure level 4 baldness, you will need almost 4000 to 4500 grafts. The price, in this aspect, will be between INR 1,40,000 to INR 1,57,500.
Nevertheless, if you wish to avoid the issue of extremely costly endeavors, then be sure to choose Dermalife for your purpose. The organization usually provides its services at a lower valuation, making it both a quality and cost-effective experience for you.
Nonetheless, you can be sure to get the best quality and efficiency from them. So, be sure to connect with them quickly in case you are looking for some assistance regarding your issue of hair fall.

Benefits of Hair Transplant
So, as of now, the article has discussed the factors deciding a good candidate for a hair transplant. However, in this section, the topic of the benefits of the aforesaid procedure will be talked about elaborately. Let’s begin.
- Permanent Solution: Contrary to popular belief, a hair transplant procedure is indeed permanent. Therefore, unlike the topical treatment, your hair will grow for eternity if you stay otherwise healthy. Moreover, the aforementioned procedure is pretty flexible as well, as it can be used for both bald patches and extreme baldness. So, you may choose it for whatever problem you are suffering from.
- A Natural and Improved Appearance: Baldness can make an individual, especially those who are concerned about their look, feel pretty disappointed and disjointed. By undergoing a proper hair transplant procedure, you can grow your hair naturally again. Therefore, your overall appearance will increase even more and you will look better than usual. In turn, this may increase your confidence and make you appear more presentable.
- Saving Further Expense: As mentioned before, a hair transplant treatment usually offers a permanent solution to your problem. Therefore, unlike the topical procedures, you don’t need to invest in the same again. Besides, in some clinics like Dermalife, you may complete the surgery without having to pay a huge amount of money. So, it will be a cost-saving experience for you.
- Low to No Maintenance: Usually, a hair transplant surgery does not require a hefty amount of maintenance at all. You may do it for a few minutes during the daytime and then go about your business as usual. The downtime also tends to be pretty low considering the other similar processes. However, in case you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the transplanted area, then be sure to visit the doctor.
- Small to No Scarring: Usually, a hair transplant procedure does not cause any scarring at all. You may experience the same minimally during a FUT treatment. However, the scar would be pretty small and can be kept hidden by combing your hair on it. Moreover, as the procedures are minimally invasive, they do not affect your scalp or cause major side effects. Nonetheless, we would still urge you to be cautious about it.
Hair Transplant in Delhi
In essence, finding the best clinic or hair transplant surgeon in Delhi can be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. Nevertheless, if you abide by the following tips, then you may succeed in your endeavor without making any effort.
- The overall experience of the surgeon should be over seven to eight years. An experienced doctor can mend almost any error made during the procedure and ensure quality work. Furthermore, they can provide various suggestions, which can reduce the downtime even more.
- Besides the doctor, you will need to choose a healthcare center that has an efficient infrastructure as well. A hair transplant is usually considered to be a modern treatment procedure. Therefore, its chances of success will increase eminently.
- Finally, like the doctor, his or her team should be well-educated and efficient as well. You can learn more about the efficiency of the group by following their review page.
Take Away
Undergoing a hair transplant procedure can be pretty hectic and tense for the first-timer. So, be sure to talk with your surgeon and set your expectations beforehand. Moreover, knowing about the process that you will be going through can also be helpful in this aspect. All you need is to be confident about the outcome and be careful following the completion of the treatment. Hopefully, everything will go your way and offer the best to you. Good luck!